
The story behind Egebjerg


The story behind Egebjerg

Egebjerg International A/S was founded in 1969. During the early years, trailers for transporting bales of straw counted for most of the production, and at harvest time you will still see the Egebjerg bale trailers all over Denmark. By the mid-1970s, our focus switched to fittings and equipment for pig housing.

In 1980, Egebjerg took over the firm of Infomatic.This enabled us to offer total solutions, comprising both equipment and feeding systems - a clear advantage for our customers.

Right from the start we staked on a wide network of consultants, who can provide solid and factual advice to pig producers regarding new building or conversion of houses.



In recent years, many of the Egebjerg products have gained ground world-wide. The water bowl DRIK-O-MAT® and the automated hopper feeder TUBE-O-MAT® now sell in most countries with a pig production.