INN-O-STALL? FREE ACCESS stalls The new stall systems with loose sows have resulted in a new generation of free access stalls. From the very beginning Egebjerg has been in the front regarding development of new systems and therefore Egebjerg has a well-tested and large programme of stalls considering the pigs' needs and at the same time they are very user-friendly. Free access stalls for loose sows ensure every sow a feed ration, and at the
same time the single animal can be supervised daily. Egebjerg's INN-O-STALL® FREE ACCESS stalls ensures:
Easy access and safety Simple sow operated entry and locking of rear gate means low stress level, more live born piglets and less risk of abortion. The locking system prevents external sow access. When the sow enters an open stall it affects the front wing, which automatically closes the rear gate, which locks. The sow leaves the stall by pushing the rear gate, which unlocks. Furthermore the stalls can be opened and closed centrally. It is also possible to close the individual stalls manually, if you want to separate a sow from the group. |
Good working environment Opening of rear gate allows personnel easy access for inspection, scanning and treatment. The closing mechanism is integrated in the partition. Therefore there are no interferring rods above the sow.